
EVIDENCE / Judith Kindler 
2013 Exhibitions Catalog
Published by Judith Kindler Studios  to accompany  the exhibition at Hall / Spassov gallery in Belevue WA.  8.5" X 11" / 
PDF version / 30 Pages / 44 full color images

Description: In 2013 Kindler produced a body of provocative work driven by the idea of evidence based narratives.  Drawing inspiration from
objects she collected over the years or the hunt for objects to reinforce a particular story, Kindler combined the "evidence", embedding it 
directly into the art which encased and combined it forever in clear resin.


Notes to Self / Judith Kindler 
2012 Exhibitions Catalog
Published by Gail Severn Gallery  to accompany  the exhibition in the gallery. 
8.5" X 11" / Soft Bound / 28 Pages / 20 full color images 

Description: In 2012 Kindler produced a body of work inspired by personal notes on her life and presented in a reinterpretation
of the historic Salon Installation Style which imerged in France in the 1600's.  This unique combination brings a new perspective
to the lush narrative contemporary imagery of Kindler's work in mixed media.  While the published catalog just focuses on the 
work exhibited at Gail Severn Gallery December 2012 - January 2012, the online version includes the work exhibited at Anna 
Forre & Co. Fine February 2013.  There are a total of 44 pages in the online version with images of 26 works.

Available for $10.00 (+ shipping $3.00) Call 206-283-5253 to order

(Click on image to view the full book)

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful / The Photography of Judith Kindler 
2010 Exhibition Catalog
Published by Forre & Co. Fine Art, Melissa Morgan Fine Art and Gail Severn Gallery to 
accompany the traveling exhibition to these galleries.  8" X 8.25" / Soft Bound / 63 Pages / 38 full color images

Description: In 2009 Kindler produced a body of large scale photographs creating a parody on life and what we admire.
She looked at art, at popular icons or concepts of beauty, and questioned why and how we have come to select certain 
subjects as admirable, beautiful, desirable, etc.  Playing with and referencing our popular culture, the artist brings new
meanings through humor, re-contextualizing, and satire.  All photographed in the artist's studio in Seattle, the simplicity
of composition with the complex phychological overtones of the imagery are typical of the artist's oeuvre.

Available for $15.00 (+ shipping $3.00) Call 206-283-5253 to order

(Click on image to view the full book)

This is Not My Violin / Judith Kindler 2009 Exhibition Catalog
Published by Forre & Co. Fine Art to accompany the exhibition. 8" X 8.25" / Soft Bound / 40 Pages / 24 full color images

Description: In 2008/9 Kindler produced an autobiographical body of work glimpsing into her childhood.  Through mixed-media
installations mixed with photo-based encaustic work, the artist explores the common threads of humanity and fragile emotions
influencing our state of mind that ultimately shapes us as adults in responding to life's experiences.

(Click on image to view the full book)

Consume / Judith Kindler 2007 Exhibition Catalog Essay by Daniel Kany Preface by Robyn Roehm Cannon

Preface by Robyn Roehm Cannon and Essay by Daniel Kany, Arts writer/Curator and owner of Daniel Kany Gallery in Portland, Maine and Trustee of COCA, Center on Contemporary Art in Seattle, WA.  9" X 9" / Soft Bound / 32 Pages / 50 full color images / Published by COCA, Center on Contemporary Art in Seattle, WA in 2007

Description: Catalogue documenting Kindler's body of work entitled "Consume". In 2006 Kindler created over 40 mixed media paintings and sculptural installations and 25 large scale conceptural photographs (entitled "Consuming Youth) dealing with the impact of consumerism on our lives.  Kindler tackles the every day things that form our conceptions of ourselves and our environment, underlining what we "choose" or "not choose" to become as individuals.  The inherent struggle of individuation is met head on with the reality of the programmed living we are subjected to through advertising, merchandising and the mores of our time.  Through this work Kindler presents a view of life that reveals our consumer culture today. The work was exhibited in January 2007 in two concurrent solo exhibitions: Mixed Media Paintings an Sculptural Installations at Woodside/Braseth Gallery in Seattle and the large scale, conceptual photography at COCA. A review of the work and essay was written by Daniel Kany.

Available for $15.00 (+ shipping $3.00) Call 206-283-5253 to order.


Defining Truth / Judith Kindler  was the 2004 Gold  Winner 
of the Printing of Excellence Award. (Lithtex Printing)    

Defining Truth, Judith Kindler

Introduction and Interview by Stefano Catalani, (Curator of the Bellevue Art Museum)   8" X 8 " / Soft Bound / 84 Pages / 86 full color images / Published by Atelier 31 LLC., 2004  

Description: Catalogue documenting Kindler's body of work entitled "Defining Truth". Between October, 2002 and March 2004, Kindler created over 60 pieces in a single series which was divided among a solo exhibition at Atelier 31 Gallery in Seattle in October, 2003, a group exhibition at Anne Reed Gallery in Ketchum ( Sun Valley ), Idaho in December, 2003, and a solo exhibition at Anne Reed Gallery in March, 2004. This figurative mixed media collection of work represents the first major series of work where Kindler has used photography directly as an integral part of the work rather than merely as a reference. The photograph, developed and painted digitally, is combined with oil painting and layered under encaustic mixing "New Media" with one of the oldest Medias (encaustic). There is also a chronology of selected works leading up to this series.

Reviewed by Mat Gleason, COAGULA ART JOURNAL, October 04, 2004 –

“I get a lot of exhibition catalogs. This one is one of the best. Kindler’s encaustic paintings are reproduced well. An encaustic painting reproduced usually looks like a fuzzy something, but these retain the feel to them and still look crisp. So Atelier 31 has its Tech down. The artist combines interesting materials with psychologically stark images. There is a confrontation going on in most of her work. Symbolism simplified in presentation but still loaded and aimed right at the viewer. Will go: I’ve got one big box of good catalogs and like three boxes of ehhh catalogs. It is going in the first and then on to eBay when she gets famous.”

Available for $35.00 (+ shipping $4.00) Call 206-283-5253 to order.


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